Find Those Black Friday Deals!

Find Those Black Friday Deals!

Black Friday really started early this year and you’ve already been inundated with email, targeted ads and more with offers for discounts, sales and special offers. So, once again, rather than list all the potential deals, I recommend shopping with your favorite indie shops, small makers and creators. The economy is tougher this year than…

Link Love: Without Comment

Link Love: Without Comment

I’m running late on Link Love so it’s without commentatu this week. Pens: Pelikan M200 Pastel Blue (via Mountain of Ink) BENU Model Comparison (via Penultimate Dave) Flushing New Fountain Pens (via dapprman) Inkograph Stylo the Saga Continues (via Chronicles of a Fountain Pen) Summoning all of the grinds. Well, five of them. (via mnmlscholar) Ink:…