Just a quick housekeeping heads-up. Jesi, Ana AND Laura will all be out of the office for the next couple days. Jesi and Ana are going to be at the DC Pen Show — working and playing and generally having a good time. Laura is going on a little family holiday getaway. Soooo, what does…
Showing all posts by Ana
August Planner Set-Up: Lions & Sunflowers
For the month of August, I decided to go with the theme “Leo” since August in the birth month for Leo. I was able to integrate yellows, oranges and other hot, late summer colors as well as sunflowers and lions, of course. I’m excited to play with these colors which I don’t use often. Pens…
Fashionable Friday: Island Adventure
I admit it. I’ve spent my summer inside, pretending to be a little, big-eyed kitty running around on a fantasy island swimming like a mermaid, baking pastries and scavenging for shells, lemons and pineapples. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, I’ve fallen victim to the delights of Hello Kitty Island Adventure. It’s a…
Sticky Note Day: Midori MD A7 Sticky Memo Pad (Blank)
Our Sticky Note Day series ha ventured into playful and unique styles of sticky notes but today, we are going to discuss the “cadillac of sticky notes” — the Midori MD A7 size Sticky Memo Pad ($11). I purchased the blank style as that feel most like a classic sticky note but with premium Midori…
Link Love: Is Your Pen Chaotic Evil?
I am delighted with the idea of categorizing our pens based on D&D character classes. Is my Sailor Starburst Galaxy Chaotic Good or True Neutral? Its such a classic, tried-and-true pen but in a slightly flashy package. Chaotic Good. Oh, of course! My Benu Skull & Roses is definitely Chaotic Evil with its wickedly sharp…
Giveaway Winner: Pacific Northwest Pen Show Swag!
Thanks to everyone who entered our Pacific Northwest Pen Show Swag Kit giveaway! Congrats to Kate B, the winner of our Pacific Northwest Pen Show Swag Kit with Ink-A-Pet Penguin with goggles and floaty ring, Ink-A-Pet Coloring Book, Rickshaw Portland Flag Pen Sleeve/Lanyard and sticker set. I hope this will give you some pen show…
Giveaway: Pacific Northwest Pen Show Swag!
While I was at the Pacific Northwest Pen Show, I picked up a few items to share with you, my lovely readers. I will be giving away all the items shown below to ONE lucky winner, drawn at random from commenters who play by the rules (details below). From Ink-a-Pet we are including the new…