I finally made a decision in my long research for an ereader to replace my old and out-of-date readers. I purchased a Kobo Clara BW ($129 might be on sale for Black Friday) I get the irony of buying a new ereader from Amazon but shipping was quick, free and the device was returnable should I decide it is not right for me.
I chose the Kobo for a lot of reasons.
It is not tied to the Amazon/Kindle ecosystem. While I can buy Kindle books and convert them to use on my Kobo, I am no longer stuck in Amazon’s ecosystem.
Kobo devices have Overdrive built-in. I don’t have to check out library books through the Amazon website before they appear on my device anymore. Books can be searched, downloaded or added to my holds list directly on the device when connected to a wifi network. I can also return the books I check out on the device without having to do any additional steps.
I was able to side load my own screensavers (no ads!!!) or I can select current book as my screensaver instead of the ads on Kindle. I know other devices don’t have ads but I had to make a choice and the Kobo accommodated my desire to not have weird, not-for-me books advertised to me every time I opened the device.

I could have purchased the Kindle Basic model which has similar specs (no warm light setting though) and is a little cheaper (with ads! or the same price with the ads removed). However, I am glad to be less reliant on the Amazon ecosystem. I know I won’t be able to completely distance myself from Amazon (there are some things that I can only buy or access via Amazon) but a Kobo ereader means Amazon doesn’t own my whole life. No shade to anyone who loves and stays with Kindle. Its an easy option and Kindle Unlimited is often where many popular books can be found.
I spent a lot of time on the r/Kobo reddit reviewing ways to port over books I had purchased on my Kindle over the years as well which required learning to use Calibre but for the most part, it’s just a one and done conversion and upload since my future purchases will largely be made through the Kobo ebook shop or elsewhere. On the rare occasion that a book is only available via Kindle, I will purchase and convert it via Calibre.
I debated buying one of the newer color e-ink devices but they were considerably more expensive than the Clara BW and until I see one in person, the comments about less contrasty screens, yellow streaks and “screen door effect” make me hesitant to consider one.
In the end, I absolutely love the Clara BW. It is small, long battery life, good storage and it’s “just an ereader”. I don’t need another “do everything” device. I want to easily read books without being buried under more paper books. I want to check ebooks out from the library. The Kobo checked all those boxes. The only thing I wished I could have gotten is the Kobo Libra 2 with the slightly larger 7″ screen and page turning buttons but Kobo is no longer selling the BW version and only offers the Libra in a color model.
This wraps up my adventure with technology for reading. I am happy with my choice and now I just want to enjoy a cup of coffee and curl up with the latest book I downloaded from my library. Any guesses what I’m reading right now?
Now, on to the links!!
News of the Week:
- A new beginning for Macchiato Man (via Macchiato Man)
- A note from Blake (via Macchiato Man)
- Review: Ferris Wheel Press Carousel Fountain Pen (via Inky Imaginings)
- Tactile Turn Buccaneer Mini Review (via The Pen Addict)
- Ink Review #2662: KWZ Firecracker (via Mountain of Ink)
- Ink Battle: Pelikan and De Atramentis (via Rachel’s Reflections)
- Ink Swatch Wednesday: Troublemaker Tablea (via CJ’s Wunderkammer)
- Shiny! Caran d’Ache Cosmic Blue Mixed Media Metallic Set (via Fueled by Clouds & Coffee)
Notebooks & Paper:
- Techo Kaigi: A Notebook Meeting (via Dime Novel Raven)
- Travelers Notebook as a planner: after the first refill. (via Stationery)
- Pineider B5 Hardcover Notebook Review (via BLAKE’S BROADCAST)
- 2025 Calendar (via Neatnik)
- Archiving and Storing A5 Inserts (via Philofaxy)
- Vintage Filofax Modification (via Notebook Stories)
- The Paper Plane – Iroful 75gsm paper (via inkxplorations)
Art & Creativity:
- A season for pumpkins and getting together with friends – grateful! (via Apple-Pine)
- Sketching a coffee machine (via – Liz Steel)
- BOOK REVIEW: Become A Great Artist by Kristy Gordon (via Doodlewash)
Other Interesting Things:
- Ask T.G.S.: Three Tips for Enjoying “High Maintenance” Fountain Pen Inks (via The Gentleman Stationer)
- Recapping the 2024 Chicago Planner Conference: An Entirely New Experience! (via The Gentleman Stationer)
- I’m a journalist and I’m changing the way I read news. (via Kottke.org)
- How the Women’s Studio Workshop Shakes Up the Art of Bookmaking (via Hyperallergic)
- WipEout Futurism: The Graphic Archives is the definitive illustrated history of the cult video game (via Creative Boom)
- The Zep Diner, a Popular Eating Place at Hollywood Modeled on the Lines of a Zeppelin, in the 1930s » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007 (via Design You Trust)
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Haha, I just bought a Clara BW last night and was surprised to see this post today! I love mine too, I had a Kobo Touch but it got too laggy so I decided to upgrade. I decided against a Kindle due to being ‘locked into an ecosystem, like you mentioned. I hope you enjoy yours as much as I am mine!