Link Love: Stripey Saturday

Several years ago, entirely by accident, Jesi and I started a tradition of wearing matching striped dresses at pen shows, regardless of which tables we are working at. At the Dallas Pen Show was quite a delight because one of our co-workers at the Dromgoole’s table, Jessica, came prepared in her own stripey shirt and then our good friend Kim arrived in her own stripey dress. We were so tickled. Now I want a whole pen show of stripey shirts and dresses on Saturdays! Be one of us! Wear stripes on Saturday!!

We worked like crazy and had almost no time to walk around, visit or shop so these two pictures were about all the proof we have that we were even at the pen show. That, and selling cubic tons of ink. Hope you got your new favorite ink at the show!




Notebooks & Paper:

Art & Creativity:

Other Interesting Things:

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