Ink Review: Ferris Wheel Press Leadcast Letters

Last weekend I attended the Washington DC show and helped at the Dromgoole’s booth selling ink and paper. While helping people find the perfect ink to match a pen or the latest release, I spent an enormous amount of time looking at ink colors and ink boxes. The Ferris Wheel Press boxes have caught my attention with their level of detail and story line. One of my favorites is the new Leadcast Letters. 

All of Ferris Wheel Press inks come in a glass bottle with a heavy brass cap. The detail on the Leadcast Letters box has a special place in my heart because of the letterpress print shop and a great one too.

The gold foil detail makes the scene pop.

Don’t forget the cats!


But the ink inside is actually my favorite feature here.

Leadcast Letters is an interesting color – a brown-gray with a bit of a yellow undertone. It is slightly darker with a touch more yellow than Sailor Maine and lighter than Rohrer & Klingner Sepia or J. Herbin Cacao Du Brésil.

Paper choice has a huge impact on the actual color of Leadcast Letters. Tomoe River (52gms TR7) paper gives the most neutral gray.

Cosmo Air Light paper brings out more blue tones while toning down the yellow.

Midori MD paper brings the yellow undertones to the point of appearing almost brown.

I lined up all three papers in one photo to try to capture the difference paper choice makes with this ink. Cosmo Air Light is the top paper, Midori MD in the center and Tomoe River paper on the bottom of the photo.

Leadcast Letters can be found for $22 for 38mL at Dromgoole’s, under $0.60 per mL placing it around the middle of the price range for inks. Which is your favorite paper/tone for Leadcast Letters?

DISCLAIMER: Some of the items included in this review were provided to us at a discount for the purpose of review. Please see the About page for more details

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