Link Love: On My Postal Soap Box

This week we have a little good news and a little bad news. In the good news catergory, there are some great recaps of the California Pen Show down in “Other Interesting Things”. It seems that a good time was had by all this year and the show was a welcome respite from climate issues (fires, snow, ice, etc) and political strife (pen lovers talk pens, not politics).

Also in “Other Interesting Things” is the bad news. There are some changes that might affect the USPS as a result of the new administration’s efforts to cut costs. As a loyal postal patron (I am at my local branch at least once a week and know both my carrier and the counter clerks by name), I am a strong supporter of the staff and the hurdles they face in handling deliveries, customers and general bureaucracy. I know a lot about the struggles they face and how hard they work. I am rooting for the workers at the USPS and hope that the agency remains an independent government agency as we move forward. (For the record, the report cited in the NYTimes article linked below is dated from 2021!  A more current report of USPS earnings from first quarter 2025 suggests slight improvements in earnings which is a good thing.) Regardless of the iffy reporting, taking away the postal service’s autonomy could be catastrophic.

Okay, I’ll stop my grumbling. On to the links!



Notebooks & Paper:

Art & Creativity:

Other Interesting Things:

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