Buckle Up: We’re Decluttering!

At the end of last year, one of the quilters I follow on YouTube sent out an email telling us to stay tuned – her 30 day decluttering challenge was kicking off January 1. Now, no one really loves the process decluttering, but gosh I do love a clean and tidy space.

Over the last 5 years my craft room/ink den/jobby job station have all become one and, well, there’s a LOT of clutter. So when I got back to the office on January 2nd, I decided to watch the first video and see what was what. I have to say I found her attitude really refreshing. Day 1’s objective was to get rid of trash. Packaging, receipts, left over sticky notes whose use has long been forgotten, plastic, you name it. Your only assignment for Day 1 was to ask yourself “Is this trash?” and then dispose of it if it was. She suggested setting a 15 minute timer and then rewarding yourself with 30 minutes of something you love (playing with inks, or in her case, sewing).

So I did it. And in 15-20 minutes I had two bags of trash. And a big pile of papers to be shredded. I patted myself on the back and knit for a while. Then I thought about it. And then I cleaned out the ink drawer. See I had been keeping all my ink in the boxes they came in, and the drawer was full.

Which meant other bottles stashed all over the place… my desk, my desk drawers, a rolling cart. So I did it. I opened all the boxes and pulled the bottles out. And it was a lot of packaging!

It looks so much better and there’s even room for a couple more bottles if I MUST have them. And with a little more breathing room, I’m sure I’ll use more of what I have! (just need to add inky dots to the tops of them all!)

Now I’m ready for day two? I guess I’m doing this thing.

I’m sure there are many great decluttering series out there, but this is the one I’m following. Obviously she is focused on quilting, but I think most of it can be applied to any area of the house!

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6 comments / Add your comment below

  1. Here’s the big question, Laura: pen boxes. Keep or trash? Does it really increase the resale value for your Lamy or Opus 88?

  2. Good for you.
    I have trouble parting with things, not in a hoarding type of parting with things. It’s more of a, I spent money on it, and I’d hate to have to buy it again, kind of way. We’re out in the middle of nowhere, and things have to be brought in. My hobby is an obscure one so supplies are treasured.
    We also used to have to move every 2.5 years and were limited on how much weight we were allowed to have for the move.
    That all stopped a decade ago, and now I can keep things to use later.
    I’m like you, I like a clean, fresh, slate. And I LOVE knowing where things are.
    I’m not a fan of ‘where is that? D’OH I shouldn’t have thrown that away!”
    I do try to keep on top of things now.
    Anyone who has had to clean out a parent’s house after their passing, or watched someone go through that tries to not do that to their own kids, but who are we kidding?
    I do need to tackle clothing and toss anything shop worn or never used.

  3. I have been on a major downsizing and decluttering mission for the past six months! Many carloads of unneeded stuff have gone to Goodwill and other charities, and I feel so much lighter! I’m in the middle of doing my art supplies and stationery now! Keep going…it’s so satisfying!

    1. Yeah I’m kind of supersizing mine – my office, craft space, storage closet, and my clothes all at once! šŸ˜‰ But I figure doing it day by day, over 30-45 days will help!

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