Link Love: Busy is not who I am

I’m not busy, I just do lots of things. I type this as I think of my urge to slow down and be more mindful about my time. It’s all too easy to obsess about all the things.

I want to stop answering the question, “How are you doing?” with the all-too-common “I’ve been so busy.” The more I think about this sentence, the more it sounds like a cross between a humble brag and an “oh, poor me” sentiment. How is the other person supposed to respond? Should they say they are busy too? Or should they console me?

Just like trying to stop saying nervous verbal ticks like saying “ah” or “umm”, I want to stop saying “I’ve been so busy”. I chose this life and I know it won’t last forever. There are lots of things I WANT to do and lots of things I HAVE to do. However, when someone asks after me, I should be kind that they care or not burden them with my personal squirrely-ness. I should ask about specifics in their life — to take more time to connect and waste less energy feeling harried by all the “all of this”.

So if you asked me today, “How are you doing?” I’d say, “I’m caffeinated, feeling healthy, desperately waiting for cat shed season to end and debating if its too soon to pull out my Halloween decorations.”

How are you doing today? Let me know in the comments!




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6 comments / Add your comment below

  1. Grateful for this timely post, Ana. I am breathing and looking at your sweet card that, although you sent it a year ago, is a much needed reminder now more than ever. So I’m being gentle with myself, working, and looking forward to dragon boat practice. That’s a lot!

  2. Having worked for a large private company my whole working career, I got to a point where this statement became true.

    Some days I do what I am told. Some days I do what I want. Fortunately there are more of the latter.

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