Things I’m enjoying this week…

Sometimes it’s not entirely about the new stuff, it’s about enjoying what’s on my desk that I get to play with every day. Then again, a little something new never hurt right?

Brand spankin’ new: a fabulous new mousepad from Took a little extra time for shipping from the north, but worth the wait!

Still diggin’: My journal.  Though my writing has slowed down a bit, I’m still keeping up. I LOVE my Notebook Therapy journal. And how ’bout that sticker? I found a hidden sticker stash on my rolling cart!

Rediscovering: It’s embarrassing to say, but at this point I have so many pens that some fall by the wayside, get stuck in pen cases, run out of ink and sit waiting to be cleaned… last week I cleaned and inked up my Pelikan M205 Apatite and it’s the first pen I’ve reached for since then. Such a smooth writer!

What are you enjoying this week?

Disclaimer: Some of the items featured in this post were received for review purposes, and other were purchased with my own money. For more information about review products please view our Sponsorship & Review Page.

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4 comments / Add your comment below

  1. I have the same Pelikan! I love the way it writes. I have the fine nib but I want a broad for it. Thank for the article!

  2. I have the same Pelikan, and I agree, it’s a fantastic writer. I keep my eyes peeled for others like it to go on sale (though the new lapis lazuli one is so pretty…. )

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