Link Love: Pen Show Panic

Tomorrow, I head to San Francisco for the SF Pen Show and I’m both excited and a little terrified. I’ll be teaching two classes and hosting a seminar for left-handed fountain pen users plus working at the Vanness Pen Shop booth and trying to visit and explore and participate on some level. But the more pen shows I attend, the more activities I add to my list and the less time and energy I seem to have for after hours socializing and just hanging out. I will try to drink a late afternoon coffee and get charged up to spend some time with friends new and familiar.

If you will be at the show, don’t forget that there are a lot of really unique and interesting classes and some still have spaces available. Check the SF Class Schedule or might I recommend my good friend (and occasional contributor to the blog) Julia van der Wyk’s classes?

Yarnies, there are rumors that we will be attempting to organize an impromptu knitting meet-up in the lobby but I am not sure which evening. I suspect, if you see someone in the lobby knitting or crocheting, just plop down and the knitting meet-up will commence.

If you play Hello Kitty Island and need more friends to visit, find me and we can swap info. I can also link you up with a few other Islanders. Yes, I am THAT nerdy. If you are not going to the show but also play Hello Kitty Island, send me an email chair (“a” symbol thingie +) and we can make plans.




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  1. I’d never given it much thought and on that note when people say ‘think about this for a minute,’ I usually think about it for quite a while. Being right handed I am now thinking, it has to be difficult to write with a fountain pen, For one, you probably can’t rest your hand on the paper as you write or you’ll smudge the ink. Another thing, it must be difficult to slant the letters forward. It sounds exhausting. Hmmm I think I’ll look up how lefties overcome this handicap. So here’s thinking about you.

    1. As lefties spend their whole lives adapting to a right handed world, it’s not as challenging as you might think. Many lefties come to fountain pens because they are easier to use than ballpoint and rollerballs. And pencils… oh the smudge marks on our hands!

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