Link Love: Back at the Desk!

DC Supershow 2024 from atop a chair in the Yafa booth

I was going to post about the DC Supershow but I realized two things. First, as always, I am so busy helping people during the show that I completely forget to take any photos. The only images I could show you are the ones I “borrow” from other people. And second, all anyone (including the internet) can talk about today is Stationery Fest currently taking place in Brooklyn. Between the long lines and the rainy morning weather, it look slike there may have been some challenges for the start of the event but everyone seems to be in good spirits and excited for this inaugural event. I recommend checking out posts on instagram under the hashtags: #stationeryfest2024 or #stationeryfest. If you want to find photos from DC, check out #DCpenshow2024



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