DC Supershow: Take a Class with Me! (or some of my friends)

OMG, gang! It’s really happening! I am going to be teaching classes at both the DC Pen Show and the SF Pen Show this year. Classes are now open for enrollment, this post is specific to events and classes happening at the DC Show. If you’re attending the SF Show, please check out this post.

The Secrets of the Ink Collector: Swatch & Catalog Your Collection

In DC this year, I will be teaching a class I’m calling “Secrets from the Ink Collector” where I will share techniques I use for cataloging and swatching inks. I will demonstrate many swatching techniques, methods for organizing and inventorying your ink collection and even some fun ways to choose an ink for your next fill-up.

Class participants will get to try out some tools and techniques for starting their own swatching collection. Class fee for DC includes a mini ink swatching kit. No additional materials are needed for the class but feel free to bring a notebook, recent ink acquisitions, and ink samples.

The DC Class is only an hour so I will be 2x speed and we won’t have quite as much time to play. I will also be teaching this class in SF but for two hours so if you’re attending both shows, you will have to decide if you want concentrated, caffeinated version of the Ink Class or a more laid back two hour session.

Sign-up for the DC SUPERSHOW “Secrets from the Ink Collector”

  • Friday, August 2, 2024
  • 11am-12pm
  • $30 materials fee
  • 25 student max

At the DC Pen Show this year, Vanness Pen Shop is also hosting the Vanness Pen Lounge Friday, August 2 and Saturday, August 3. For newbies, there will Fountain Pen Basics demos throughout the day that will be hosted by some of our favorite pen friends: Trinita, Essandra and Charlotte and folks from the local pen clubs.

In between sessions, feel free to hang out and talk with experienced volunteers who will be available to help you learn about the pen and stationery community. All questions are welcome and this is a perfect place to get answers.Take a break from the crowds and show off your latest pen purchases.

  • Fountain Pen Basics:  11 am, 1 pm, & 3 pm
  • Ink and Pen Time with Dandon:  4;30 pm​
  • Swatch & Catalog Your Ink Collection (class with ME!):  Friday at 11 am

There are even more events being planned for DC and the Pen Lounge so stay tuned and I’ll do my best to keep you posted.

​Don’t forget to check out the full list of seminars (free or low cost) and workshop listed on the DC Supershow site. There looks like a lot of great sessions are being planned!

The Vanness Pen Lounge is sponsored by Vanness, Luxury Brands and Mnemosyne Paper


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