Has anyone else noticed the “early Black Friday” sales that have already started? With the state of the economy, inflation and world issues, companies big and small are hoping to boost end-of-year sales. From my own personal experience, as well as my jobby-job, I can tell you that sales for products are down about 20-25% for most businesses. Maybe not in the must-have areas like food and such but all the “little extras” are being postponed or skipped this year and retailers are hoping sales and deals in November and December will help their bottom line.

What’s your plan for the holiday season this year? Are you and your family spending more or less this year? Are you putting more money towards dining, cooking and activities and less to material goods? Are you feeling the pinch financially this year? Leave a comment and let me know how you feel about the state of spending and the earlier-and-earlier “Black Friday” sales.
Gift Guides:
- 2023 Unique and Useful Holiday Gifts for Every Person on Your List (via Bullet Journal)
- The Creative Boom 2023 Christmas gift guide for creatives (via Creative Boom)
- The giggling is the point: A visit to Penny Post’s Fountain Pen Test Drive Event (via mnmlscholar)
- The Benu Euphoria Bourbon fountain pen: early thoughts 7th blogiversary post. (via Fountain pen blog)
- Fountain Pen Day 2023 – An Interview with Mr. FPD (via The Pen Addict)
- The Four Seasons of Mr. Sato (via Crónicas Estilográficas)
- Review: NUJP Fountain Pen (via Pen Noob)
- Birmingham Glassmith on Clairefontaine Triomphe (via Inkcredible Colours)
- Colorverse Korea Inks Part 2 (via Mountain of Ink)
- Van Dieman’s European Honey Bee Eater Chin Ink Review (via The Pen Addict)
- Some thoughts: Ferris Wheel Press Ferritales Ink (via Dime Novel Raven)
- Ink Review #785: Monteverde Jungle Chameleon (via Fountain Pen Pharmacist)
- Ink of the Week – Wearingeul The Song of Reed (via Fountain Pen Love)
- American Lead Pencil Company sets (via Pencil Fodder)
- Ears Big News: It’s Pencilvember Time! (via Fueled by Clouds & Coffee)
Notebooks & Paper:
- Planning in 2024 (via Nero’s Notes)
- Holiday Limited TRAVELER’S FACTORY Holiday Items and TO&FRO (via TRAVELER’S COMPANY USA)
- What dot grid size is best for bullet journaling? (via All About Planners)
- How to Travel With Your Bullet Journal (via Bullet Journal)
- Reuse your Starbucks 2023 planner for 2024 (via Pen Noob)
Art & Creativity:
- A New Documentary Follows the Ohio Environmentalists Making Paint from Toxic Mining Runoff (via Colossal)
- REVIEW: Color Changing Pigment Salts Postcard Set from Boulder Colors (via Doodlewash)
- Why Some of the Rainbow Is Missing (via Kottke.org)
- The Art of Minimalism in Photography by Marcus Cederberg (via Design You Trust)
- Art Materialism: The Art Movement Happening Right Now (via My Modern Met)
- Control where people look using tonal values (via Drewscape)
Other Interesting Things:
- Budget Thermal Printers (via Comfortable Shoes Studio)
- Pen Show Pick-Ups: An Over-Due Overview (via The Poor Penman)
- Why Fountain Pen Day is Important: Reflections on 12 Years (via The Gentleman Stationer)
- Meet the Paper Bag Baron of East London (via Messy Nessy Chic)
- The Little-Known Los Angeles Cemetery Where LA’s Hidden History is Buried (via Messy Nessy Chic)
- This guy collects Do Not Disturb signs from Hotels around the World (via Messy Nessy Chic)
- Best Celebrity Halloween Costumes of 2023 (via My Modern Met)
- New Book Compiles Floor Plans From Iconic TV Series Locations (via My Modern Met)
- 3 recent newsletters (via Austin Kleon)
You’ve made it to the end of another edition of Link Love and, for that, I am eternally grateful. You can show your gratitude by supporting our sponsors or joining our Patreon. Without you, we could not continue to do what we do. Thank you!
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