Exclusive Pen Show inks and other goodies are the carrot to make us all feel massive massive amounts of FOMO but I decided to make sure someone in our community doesn’t suffer from FOMO by giving away a brand new bottle of the Sailor 2023 Pen Show Exclusive Ink.
Its a bright, vivid orange to help see you through the last grey days of winter. When compared to other oranges in my collection, I’d say its a bit brighter and happier than Sailor Apricot, if that’s possible. This ink will definitely show best with a wide nib to get all the shading,
TO ENTER: Leave a comment below and tell me what your favorite orange ink is. Play along and type in something. It makes reading through entries more interesting for me, okay? One entry per person.
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FINE PRINT: All entries must be submitted by 10pm CST on Friday, February 24, 2023. All entries must be submitted at wellappointeddesk.com, not Twitter, Tumblr or Facebook, okay? Winner will be announced on Monday. Winner will be selected by random number generator from entries that played by the rules (see above). Please include your actual email address in the comment form so that I can contact you if you win. I will not save email addresses or sell them to anyone — pinky swear. If winner does not respond within 5 days, I will draw a new giveaway winner. Shipping via USPS first class is covered. Additional shipping options or insurance will have to be paid by the winner. We are generous but we’re not made of money. US and APO/AFO only, sorry.
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My favorite ink is Kinmokusei also made by Sailor. This ink looks very similar to that one, but a little lighter almost orange creamsicle like. I dig it and I hope I win it.
Sailor Gentle Apricot
Vinta Vintage Blaze is at the top of my orange list right now.
O this pen show ink looks great! My favorite orange ink is actually Sailor Jentle Apricot but I can’t stand the smell and it triggers my headaches. So I only use it in small doses and with finer nibs. I haven’t ink it up in awhile for the same reason. Been hoping to find another orange. I heard Montblanc’s Mandarin Orange is a good one and I hope to try that out.
I would have to say Birmingham Pen Co. Albert Einstein Relative Cadmium.
I’m gonna be a bit controversial – my favourite orange ink is Noodler’s Habanero. Never saw anything as vibrant as that colour, and any other ink that takes SO LONG to dry.
I only have a couple orange inks, but the Edelstein Mandarin is great. I have just a small sample from the 2022 Pelikan Hub in KC though, so I have to dole it out carefully (or I could just buy a bottle…)
My current favorite orange ink is unfortunately my only orange ink so far: Diamine Pumpkin. I absolutely love it (orange is the school color of my alma mater Oregon State U.) but I would love more oranges in my collection.
Snagging this ink would also give me an excuse to get a wider nib for one of my pens, or even better, ANOTHER WHOLE PEN. Just for this orange. Like that’s unusual?
It’s actually a very nice shade
Robert Oster Pen Addict Fire on Fire so far. I’m always on the hunt though.
Akkerman #16 Orange Boven is my favorite, although this Sailor ink is quite nice, too!
I don’t have any orange inks so I would love to have this one. If I am honest, I had to google FOMO so I would hate to miss out on this giveaway.
My favorite orange is…Diamine Orange. Just a middle of the road orange, but a nice one. I also like Diamine flamingo, if that can count as an orange, and Diamine Peach haze. There’s also Dialine pumpkin, but this one is too seasonal to be used year round
I didn’t try oranges from other brands yet, but Pelikan Edelstein Mandarin sure looks nice!
My favorite orange ink – one I use nearly every day – is Diamine Sunset. I use it in a broad nib to edit my writing.
I love orange but have to say Sailor Apricot and Relative cadmium are my top two. Akkerman Oranj Boven is my go to for a pen that is cranky with orange inks.
Pilot Iroshizuku Fuyu-Gaki Winter Persimmon is my favorite shade of orange ink.
My favorite is TWSBI tangerine
I love the color orange, but I don’t have a favorite orange ink yet as they have tended to write much lighter than I expect. I couldn’t read my notes after a recent episode which made me swear off orange for note taking… I need an orange ink I can love.
I like Diamine Blaze Orange Ink
I love the COlorverse #42 V2 Rocket!
I have a few, but the Diamine Shimmertastic Rockin Rio is pretty amazing! Dark orange with gold shimmer, looks stunning on the page with a juicy nib!
My favorite is the Jacques Herbin 1798 Cornaline d’Egypte
I like my Copperhead from Birmingham Ink, it’s an autumnal rusty orange. This looks like a wonderful spring option!
Oooh – my favorite is Pilot Iroshizuku Fuyu-gake!
I’m not much of an orange ink user but this one is so fun and bright.
I don’t own any orange inks but I tried Edelstein Mandarin at our local 2022 Pelikan Hub and loved the cheery colour.
Oh! Orange inks are my favorites! Has to be Pilot Iroshizuku Fuyu-gaki. I’ve got it in several pens at the moment. It is gorgeous! Especially in those broad-nibbed pens. The color is wholly different from Monteverde Mandarin Orange, which was an early favorite, or Pilot Iroshizuku Yu-yake.
Also worth noting: the apricot orange Pilot Petit1 is also fun.
Still mourning the loss of Sailor Jentle Apricot, which I never had the opportunity to try.
Thank you for the opportunity to try this ink, Ana!
I don’t have a favorite orange ink yet. I’m still new to fountain pens and struggling to get over the mental blocks that say inks have to be black or blue. I love the idea of an orange ink, though. ^_^
I love Thornton orange ink. In fact one bottle I had contained green ink, a grassy shade.
Awesome color! I love Pen Addict x Robert Oster Fire on Fire for an everyday orange.
Orange is my siren song. Between the 10+ orange pens that I own and the multiple bottles of orange ink I think my favorite would have to be Birmingham Pen Co. Relative Cadmium I’m my Sailor Habanero pen.
I’ve only ever had one orange ink, I think called Orange Indien by J Herbin…I guess it’s my favorite, then!
I enjoy Sailor Apocrit orange.
This ink is much brighter
So many great orange inks out there. i”m gonna go with Pen Addict Fire on Fire. At least today.
Recently, have been reaching for Taccia Syaraku Koiame. But this post is a good reminder of the Jentle Apricot bottle in the back of the drawer! Thank you for this contest!
I love “Diamine Autumn Oak.”
Really orange ink puts e between a rock and a hard place.Truth is that I love Apache Sunset, but I bought it before I knew what a complete nut the Noodler guy is, and not the fun kind. So, do I discard it? I can’t. So, I bought J Herbin 1798 Fountain Pen Ink – Cornaline d’Egypte. Still I can’t bring myself to discard the Apache Sunset. In fairness, I use it more like a water color when making pictures with a brush than as a fountain pen ink … still.
I recently found Jacques Herbin Orange Soleil and it’s a very bright, pure orange.
My favorite orange has always been Sailor Jentle Apricot! I have two of the 50 ml bottles saved up from before it got discontinued, then rereleased, then discontinued again, then…rereleased in smaller bottles.
I have a few orange inks, but my favorites tend to be the more unusual ones, like Diamine Peach Haze and the peachy pinks ( pink oranges).
I’m interested in winning because I’ve never had an orange ink… so picking a favorite is tough. I’ll defer to Brad and nominate Robert Oster’s Pen Addict “Fire on Fire” as my favorite.
Favorite orange is definitely Pen Addict Fire on Fire by Robert Oster.
Favorite orange ink for now is the Pilot Iroshizuku Fugu-fakile. It is a beautiful orange!
I don’t actually have much experience with orange inks – it’s not a color I typically gravitate to. However, I have enjoyed Diamine Candelight from the 2021 Inkvent. I would love to expand my pallet, though…
Pilot Iroshizuku fuyu-gaki… a STUNNING orange…the transparency is delightful… and a pretty nice bottle
Oooh, thank you for sharing! My favorite orange ink… years ago, there was a Kickstarter for a Heart of Gold pen ink, and I only l pledged for the ink because the pen was too much. That’s my favorite orange (I rarely use oranges) and it’s dark and rich.
Diamine orange
For me, it’s Diamine Peach Punch.
Montblanc Lucky Orange
I do not have any orange ink yet, but have wanted GvFC Burned Orange.
My favorite is Diamine Orange! It’s funny I tried so many different orange inks with fun and crazy names and it turns out the normal ol Diamine Orange is the standout one. It’s vibrant and looks awesome out of my tiny nibs.
I like Monteverde Mango Mousse!
I havn’t tried any orange inks… but this looks like such a beautiful orange that I really want to start looking at more variety in the colors I use. I tend to mainly stick to purples.
Sailor Manyo Sakura is my favorite orange, although it leans a bit soft & coral. On a quest to try more oranges this winter!