Resolutions: Ana

I look forward to the start of the New Year and my opportunity to re-evaluate my goals and plans for the coming year. For me, it’s about goal-setting and the like rather than giant RESOLUTIONS.  I like to go through my mental bucket list and see if there’s anything I can accomplish in the coming year.

I’ve been so busy with work that its been hard to focus on the “what’s next”.  It took a few days for me to be able to decompress and reflect. This year was way too busy and not keeping track of things in a physical way created a feeling that I had lost whole months. Does this happen to you?

There are a few things that have topped my list though.


Get back on my bike. I love riding bicycles. I’m not an athlete about it. I just like the feeling of pedalling, the breeze in my face and the quietness of being on a machine that is human-powered. Bicycling has the added benefit or being a physical activity which I need to do more often. I sit on my duff way too much.

stack of notebooks

Find a planner/calendar system and stick with it. I am often asked to review planners which makes it easy for me to jump from system to system and then abandon them. I’d like to stick to a system for a whole year and be better about tracking day-to-day events. I tried Austin Kleon’s system (also this link and this one) for a bit in the past and I like the concept of it but need to find a different way to keep track. I need to integrate it into my daily carry somehow. Whether this is three notebooks in a cover (like a Traveler’s Notebook or a Roterfaden Taschenbegleiter) or three separate books, I don’t know. If anyone has better recommendations, let me know.

watercolor paint

Make time for personal creativity. Last year, between work and my blog, I didn’t have much time for anything else. I didn’t have time to knit, read or do any of the other creative endeavors I wanted to explore. This year, I want to carve out time for this since it’s important to me. I have a dress half-sewn, the start of material for collage projects and many, many balls of yarn patiently waiting to be knit into something.

I’m sure I have smaller goals I’d like to accomplish, but these are the big ones. What are your goals or plans for 2019?


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3 comments / Add your comment below

  1. All terrific goals! Like I said to Laura, I feel like a slacker! But I have already made headway in cleaning out my studio this week, so I’m good with small bites. Will look forward to seeing the results of your creative endeavors!

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