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Inktober is just around the corner. I mean JUST around the corner. If you are not familiar with this draw-along event, check out our previous post.
I have enjoyed creating my own rules and prompts each year and challenging myself to learn new skills and stick to specific tools and palettes. Limiting my tools and my palette and forcing myself to use one sketchbook and a select group of tools really helped to keep me on track. Also, pre-selecting my prompts, theme and finding resource images in advance also helped to make working on my drawings each day a bit less daunting.
I have been waffling and waffling and waffling about participating in the 31 day challenge again this year. I am traveling this year in the middle of Inktober to Canada and New York for the last leg of the RelayCon event as well as trying to stay on top of work, the blog and life in general (you know, laundry and stuff?) so I’m concerned about burning my proverbial candle on both ends and from the middle as well.
Flipping through the images from my last two Inktober challenges though fills me with a lot of pride and excitement and really makes me want to try again.
Are you going to try it this year? What is your theme or goal?
Your illustrations are beautifully YOU! I see your sparkle and enjoyment of detail. And I love your text that completes the package. Wow, Desk.
I loved both your knitting alphabet and stationery sketches! I’m going to try to do ballpoint again this year and practice hatching. Even if you do it for only a few days, it’s better than none. Happy Inktober to us both!
I loved your knitting and your stationery sketches! I haven’t ever managed to do Inktober despite best intentions, but this year, I’m joining in a drawalong to the new book “Observe, Collect, Draw” by the people behind Dear Data. I’m looking forward to taking the time to explore the book.
Oh, so happy to see Fashionable Friday pop up! Love your sketches & flair.