Art News
In sad news, Art Supply Posse recorded its last episode last week. Heather and Kathy said farewell with their favorite podcaster, Brad Dowdy. I don’t think it will be the last time we’ll hear from either of these ladies as they will both be going on to pursue other audio endeavors.
In happier art-related news, Art Supplies in Action is a new community-based forum to share artwork, discuss art in all forms, art supplies, and art history. The goal is to create a real threaded forum that allows for discussion that’s not ephemeral like much of social media currently available. If this sounds like something you might be interested in participating in, sign up today. Hopefully, with community support and participation, Art Supplies in Action could become a useful, searchable (and active) resource that is inclusive and friendly.
Pen News
Daly’s Pen Shop in Milwaukee is closing after 93 years. Bummer. While Daly’s retail store front is closing, his online sales will continue with a thriving business buying and selling vintage pens through his site and Ebay. Times, they are a-changin’.
D.C. Pen Show
There are just two weeks until the D.C. Pen Show and folks across the country are in preparation for the show. Here in K.C., we are madly making Col-o-ring Ink Testing Books so that they will be available for all who want them in D.C. I will be helping at the Vanness Pen Shop table this year so come by and say hello.
I know that many other folks are also frantically preparing for the show– getting their goods in order, packing boxes and putting the final touches on their wares to make everything perfect. I’ve been watching as all the hype surrounds Comic-Con in San Diego this weekend knowing that in the pen community, we are all preparing for our own version just weeks away.
Last minute prep on couture fishing vests, anyone? Fishing vest fashion show this year?
Sorry for the ending of Art Supply Posse but I need to see art supplies in action, whether blog post or video.
Thanks for the link to Art Supplies in Action — I signed up! Had not hear of that — sounds interesting.