It’s happening again! Brad and Myke are getting the gang back together for a live recording of The Pen Addict podcast in Atlanta at the pen show in April and they are letting me tag along again. Help support our efforts to be the nerdiest of all pen nerds and get a cool notebook, and an opportunity to pause the video while we make ridiculous faces (over and over) by backing the Kickstarter, RelayCon Atlanta 2016. The gift that keeps on gif-ing!
Back the project for just $10 to get the video, $15 to get the notebook (and spare yourself the silly video), $25 for both. Go crazy and back at $50 and get 3 sets of notebooks and the video.
And if you’ll be in Atlanta this year for the show, come be a part of our live studio audience! How weird is it to say that?
Enjoy your trip.
– A kickstarter supporter
Thank you! I’m so excited!
Already backed, and I’m exited to get those notebooks in my hands.