As working becomes more mobile, more wireless and more collaborative, do we still need a desk, a cubicle or an office? The Public Landscape Office suite by Yves Behar from fuseproject for Herman Miller addresses just this question.
Do you prefer a flexible, open workspace or a more traditional desk, office or cubicle?
I’ve posted a couple other articles about the new less-office-y office. Check them out here and here.
For me at least, this move towards more open workspaces is just awful. I suppose it depends on the kind of work you do, but I hate the distraction of other people talking and clacking away on their keyboards and phones ringing, etc etc when I’m trying to work on something that requires my full concentration. Then again, I’m an introvert so I guess it comes with the territory?
One good thing about more open spaces though is more people get access to natural light 🙂
As an introvert as well, I too have trouble with all the distractions. I end up spending a lot of time with my headphones on to try to drown out the noise and distractions.