I agree that the accuracy of these analyses might be a bit iffy but I find it curious and entertaining in the same way that I find reading my horoscope in the paper to be pleasantly diverting.
I think writing slant can be influenced by writing angle, paper being lined or not or even writing tool but I suppose we all have a certain predisposition for a writing angle. With people in general not utilizing writing skills as much as in the past, I also wonder how much of this still hold true.
So what I’m hearing in the “signature” section is all doctors are “very private” and “hard to read or understand”?
I wonder how accurate these claims are in predicting your personality.
They are generalizations based on some level of research and statistical sampling, I suppose.
Interesting read though.
About a year ago my writing had a definite slant to the right.
But now my writing has no slant at all.
I didn’t see a change in my personality as a result.
I agree that the accuracy of these analyses might be a bit iffy but I find it curious and entertaining in the same way that I find reading my horoscope in the paper to be pleasantly diverting.
I think writing slant can be influenced by writing angle, paper being lined or not or even writing tool but I suppose we all have a certain predisposition for a writing angle. With people in general not utilizing writing skills as much as in the past, I also wonder how much of this still hold true.
Thanks for the great comments!