Notational Velocity

I’ve used and abused, ignored and overlooked dozens of note-taking and sticky note-saving apps over the years. I was a loyal user of StickyBrain (which later became SohoNotes which retails for $39.99 and is compatible with an iPhone and iPad app, $4.99 and $9.99 respectively ) and have even tried a few of the online organizational tools like Evernote and Remember The Milk but in the end, simpler always seems better. There are some notes I want with me, and for those I resort to paper and pen but for things like serial numbers, web links, bits of code for a blog or other random bit of digital detritus, I keep going back to Notational Velocity (free).

Foremost, Notational Velocity is the epitome of simple. You type a title or keyword in the search bar. If you’ve already created a note with the text, it will show in the box below. If not, it will just create a new note with that text as the title. Then in the bottom field, you add the content. Easy-peasy. As the epitome of simple, Notational Velocity does not store photos, include tags or folders. Its just a searchable list of bits of text, thoughts, notes, code, etc.

Notational Velocity syncs with Simple Note, an iPhone and iPad app which is also free so you combine both online and offline note-saving as well as have a smooth, free back-up system for your notes.

Do you have any apps that help keep your desktop clear of clutter and your notes and thoughts organized? Leave a note in the comments!

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  1. I have been through the same journey and always come back to Notational Velocity or NvAlt. On the iPhone drafts is a my go to application.

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