As I’ve been getting more interested in fountain pens this year, I have also discovered fountain pen inks. While some would not be surprised by this revelation, I’ve been blown away by the huge variety of colors available in fountain pen inks from companies like J. Herbin, Noodlers and so many more. But how does one choose which colors or brands to buy as one bottle of ink can sell for $10 to $25 per bottle? That’s where the Goulet Pen Company’s Ink Drop comes in handy. For a fee of $10 per month members receive five small sample vials of inks along with access to special promotions and a special club page on their site. The vials provide enough ink for several fillings of your fountain pen and gives you a chance to try out a brand or color before committing to a whole bottle.
Ink Drop club seem like too great a commitment? Goulet also offers individual samples of most of their stocked brands and colors in prices ranging from $1.25 to $2 each. There are also Ink Sample Packages that are organized by theme, color, property or brand and ink samples from previous Ink Drop subscriptions. Prices for sample packages range from about $7 up to about $18 depending on the number of individual vials.
I wonder what colors would be in a Well-Appointed Desk sampler package?
(via Goulet Pens)