This is Part Six of 6-part series about getting started using ring-bound planners. If you would like to read the series from the beginning, check out Part One: Why?, Part Two: Paper Sizes, Part Three: Binders, Part Four: Inserts and Part Five: Accessories.
Just like the pen, ink and pencil community, there is an extensive network of blogger, video bloggers and independent shops that specialize in all things planner-related. I wanted to include a short list of the sites I found most helpful in my research and that I’ll regularly be referring back to.
YouTube is a huge resource for unboxing videos and tours inside filled planners. Some show how people are using their planners, comparing various planners; and reviews of specific binders, brand or sizes. Just try searching for the brand, size or name of a given planner to find dozens of review videos. Some will be useful to you and some will not but it is a great way to see these products in use.
Planner Companies:
- Filofax
- DayRunner (now At-A-Glance)
- DayTimer
- Kikki K
- Franklin
- Van Der Spek
- Smythson of Bond Street
- Gillio Firenze
- (NEW!) Plotter
I’m sure I overlooked a couple binder manufacturers so please let me know if your favorite is not listed here.
Other resources, blogs and info:
- Filofax 101 (via Black Forest Designs)
- My Life All In One Place: Offers an array for tutorials and free printables
- Plannerisms
- Philofaxy: A collection of printable inserts, interviews, tips and Q&As
- Dodo Pad: a company that creates its own system of organizational tools including refills compatible with Filofax-sizing binders.
Printables on Etsy: (updated!)
There are so many more options for printable pages, just start searching on Etsy or the web for “printable planner” and then add your preferred planner size like “personal”.
There was way more to choosing a planner than I ever imagined. I hope my research has helped you to see the possibilities of using a ring-bound planner for organizing your best year ever.
To read the rest of the series:
- Part 1 – Why?
- Part 2 – Planner Sizes
- Part 3 – Binders
- Part 4 – Inserts
- Part 5 – Accessories
- Part 6 – Additional Resources
Wow, there are really a plethora of options for these things. I feel like I need a planner to plan the making of my real planner, haha.
Lol, yeah!
I’m new to pen pencil paper blogs but I think yours is one of the best. You post frequently, your blog is clean and pretty and you cover a wide range of topics. So, even though I am starting slow with a hacked bullet journal in a pocket Rhodia Webnotebook, I appreciate the series about ring-bound planners in case what I am using doesn’t work quite right. Thanks for the nice blog!
Thanks for the guide =)
I had fun looking at all the photos and different inserts.
This Was such a great series. I’m sharing the link to it in my planner group!
I soo need this! I love her humor…. Thank You
Thank you for this series. I thoroughly enjoyed it and thought you covered the various topics very well! I’m relatively new to planning myself and have found using a paper planner to be immensely helpful in keeping me on track.
Hi! Thank you for linking to my planner post – I have loved reading your series!
I recommend the Webster’s pages color crush planners!! I love mine so much and they are so much cheaper than most of the ones listed! If you want to plan on a budget, Webster’s is the best!
I’ve used Filofax for 30 yrs. Weight is an issue in
older age. I’d like to get a light wgt personal size to avoid wgt of leather. Do you know who makes
non-leather personal sizes? I don’t think you
talk about weight in this delightful presentation. I might have missed it. Thanks
Actually Filofax is making some non-leather personal-sized planners in vinyl and fabric covers these days. You can add a filter criteria of “leather-look” or “textile” to your search for Personal-sized planners to find them.
A very nicely written post indeed. Do you have any thoughts on 3 ring versus 6/7 ring planner covers?
Solid series, but many of the linked websites/sellers no longer exist.